Organised Chaos

Organised Chaos

Organised Chaos

And we’re live

Hello and welcome to my blog.

As I am a blogging virgin and this being my first time please be patient there’s sure to be a few blogging faux pas. I thought I would start off by introducing who the people behind K & A Baby are and why we created our site:

Anyone who knows Andy and I, know that we live in organised chaos. We occasionally know what we are doing and when we are all together, we sometimes actually turn up on time!

So, with 3 children under our belts already between us we decided to add another member creating the awesome foursome.

Whilst pregnant with Panda I suffered with hyperemesis so getting out and looking at baby products was not always an option so I spent a lot of time surfing the net, and the most frustrating thing I found was having to look at loads of different sites and then trying to remember where I saw x, y and z to gather up what we needed.

Not long after Panda was born, and we finally came up for air and Andrew the entrepreneur of the family suggested we create an online baby shop.

As I absolutely love shopping, researching the latest baby products and spend all day with Mini and Panda this seemed like a great idea.

Eventually and as like the children we hope the site will grow and expand and eventually have everything you could possibly need for a new-born and toddler.

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